
I'm Albi,

Build things for the Web

React De|

1. About Me

Hello! My name is Albi Ummid Tanvir and I enjoy to creating webpages that can be live on internet.My interest in web development started back in 2020 when i decided to create my own portfolio .Thats bring me to this positon.

Fast-forwarding to that day, I am a Fron-end web developer ,can make fancy,responsive ,user friendly attractive website by using Modern HTML5,CSS3,JS,React.js etc.

Here are a few technologies that I am working with recently:

JavaScript (ES6)

React Js


Node Js

Express js


2. My Services

Web Development

Clean , effective and bug free code can make your website faster, smooth and sufferless.

Web Design

Web design is the structure of a website that provide user experience and serve services .So, attractive web design must .

Responsive Design

Responsive web design is a very common need nowadays .There are many devices those have different screen sizes.For client satisfaction,Responsiveness must.

Client Satisfaction

Client is my main priority .Clients needs and provided guideline to build or upgrading websites is respectfully accepted.

Pixel Perfect Design

Provide Pixel perfect design that you provide in Figma,XD,PSD file formate

Efficient Price

I works for customer satisfaction and deliver best working experience to the customer .So price will not be go away.Price will be efficient

3. Some Things I’ve Built


A Internet Service Provider website that has dynamic service card with price tag so a user can purchase a service through dashboard and check order status.Dashboard is dynamic and secured for admin .Admin can add feature,service and a user as admin and can change status of orders.User only can purchase and can review.

Bongo Library

A book selling E-commerce website where customer can order books by loggin with thier account.And dynamic database save thier purchase for track them and user can cancel them anytime.Admin pannel have dynamic book adding facilites with picture and have edit and delete funcionality.This web page is fully responsive.Navbar has an access on user account to show user name and sign in /sign out fuctionality.

Hot Chilies

A restuarant website that has dynamic data loading from mongoDB and user can order product by login to thier account.It has three category of meal and has dynamic food details on click on a food and user can set quantity in detail page and then in order page user can change their quantitys .User have to fill up the delevery info from to place order

Country Info

A Country query user friendly web application that can show the spcific country details on its detail page.User can search thier desire in search box then hitting on enter ,website load country by searched keywords and show the result

4. Get In Touch